Candy-Making At Home
Mary M.‏ (Mary Mason) Wright
208 chapters
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208 chapters
We find it quite possible to make just as delicious candy at home as can be bought of the most famous manufacturers. Of course there are a few kinds of candies that can be made only with the aid of special machinery; but there are enough kinds that can be made with utensils found in the ordinary kitchen (with a few more added) to make all the variety that one may wish for. By making our own candies in the home we have the assurance that they are at least pure and clean, and that they will cost u
7 minute read
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All the utensils that are needed in candy-making are saucepans of granite or porcelain, a double boiler, spoons, a spatula, candy dipper, platter or marble slab, a thermometer, and boxes or pans in which to mold certain kinds of candies. Bonbon molds are useful for molding bonbons, but are not necessary as they can easily be molded with the fingers. A thermometer is not absolutely necessary since one can learn to get the different stages by dropping and testing the syrup in cold water; but the t
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Granulated sugar is the kind most frequently used in candy-making. To get the best results it should be fine-grained and of the best quality. Confectioner's sugar or powdered sugar is used chiefly to roll or dust candies with. Almost all confectioners use glucose in their candies, since it helps to keep the sugar from granulating, but, since corn syrup is composed largely of glucose it is advisable for the home candy-maker to use it as it can be readily obtained at the grocery store. A few recip
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A Few Things the Candy-Maker Should Know
A Few Things the Candy-Maker Should Know
The tests in cold water compared to degrees on the thermometer are as follows: In testing the syrup with the thermometer allow the thermometer to become hot gradually. If one does not have a thermometer and has to test the syrup in cold water one will have to depend a great deal on sight and touch. The thread stage is found by letting a little syrup drop from a spoon; if it forms a thread then it is known as the thread stage. The soft ball stage is reached when the syrup forms a soft ball betwee
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The Coloring and Flavoring
The Coloring and Flavoring
Use nothing but fruit or vegetable colorings for candy; these can usually be obtained at a drug store, or from the confectioner. A little of these will go a long way. Colorings can be obtained in liquid form or in form of paste. The useful colors are orange, yellow, red, leaf green and violet. With red one can get all the shades of pink, and rose. Different shades of green can be made with the green by the amount used. Always remember that high colors are not desirable in candy and confine yours
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To make the fondant take two pounds of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil this to the soft ball stage or to 238 degrees. Stir the sugar over a slow fire until it is thoroughly dissolved; then take a damp cloth and wipe away all the sugar crystals that appear on the sides of the pan. When it is done remove from fire and pour over a large platter that has been cooled or over a marble slab. Do not scrape the contents out of pan or allow it
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Chocolate Fondant
Chocolate Fondant
The above directions are for white fondant, which is the kind most generally made, but one can make chocolate and maple fondant. To make the chocolate fondant take two cupfuls of sugar and four ounces of grated chocolate and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the soft ball stage, flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla and proceed as when making white fondant. It is best not to add the chocolate until the syrup has boiled a while, then it can be melted and slowly added, for the syrup must not be sti
25 minute read
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Maple Fondant
Maple Fondant
To make maple fondant take one cupful of brown sugar and two cupfuls of maple syrup, or one cupful of maple sugar. If the sugar is used add one-half cupful of water. To keep the syrup from graining add one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage or to 238 degrees by the thermometer, and then pour out on platter or slab, and proceed as with the white fondant. A good substitute for maple fondant may be made by flavoring with mapleine some of the white fondant. Maple fond
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Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Chips
Place in a saucepan one cupful of brown sugar, one-half cupful of New Orleans molasses (the light colored molasses), and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the crack stage, then remove from the fire and flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pull into long thin sheets, and cut into small pieces. When cold dip into melted chocolate flavored with a little vanilla....
17 minute read
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Cinnamon Jibb
Cinnamon Jibb
Place in a saucepan one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-fourth cupful of butter, a tablespoonful of cinnamon, and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the crack stage. Pour into buttered pans, and mark off into squares. When cool break up....
11 minute read
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Fig Brittle
Fig Brittle
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup and one-half cupful of water. Cook to the crack stage, and then stir in figs that have been cut up into bits. Pour into a buttered pan, and mark off. When cool break up. Date brittle can be made in the same manner....
15 minute read
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Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one-fourth cupful of water and one tablespoonful of vinegar. Boil to the crack stage. Pour into buttered tins, mark off into squares, and when cool break up. A tablespoonful or two of molasses improves butter-scotch for many persons....
13 minute read
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French Butter-Scotch
French Butter-Scotch
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of maple sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one tablespoonful of vinegar, and one-fourth cupful of water. Cook to the crack stage or to 280 degrees, then remove from fire and add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and one-fourth teaspoonful soda. Mark into strips, and when cold cut with a pair of shears....
16 minute read
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Maple Panocha
Maple Panocha
Take one cupful of maple sugar, one cupful of light brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter, and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the crack stage. Pour over pecan meats that have been placed on a buttered pan. When cold break in any manner desired....
12 minute read
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Horehound Candy
Horehound Candy
Take two cupfuls of brown sugar, one cupful of corn syrup, and one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Pour over this the horehound liquid made by steeping two ounces of dried horehound (which can be obtained at the drug store) in one pint of hot water. Boil down to a cupful before adding to the sugar. If you do not wish it to be very strong of horehound don't use quite so much. Boil to the hard crack stage or about 300 degrees. Pour into a buttered pan or pans. Mark deeply into small squares w
28 minute read
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Chocolate Taffy
Chocolate Taffy
Take two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of boiling water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage, then add two ounces of unsweetened chocolate shaved fine. Boil to nearly the crack stage or about 270 degrees, then add one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour out on a buttered platter, cool and pull. Cut into small pieces, using shears or sharp knife, and place on buttered plate or paraffine paper....
22 minute read
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Molasses Taffy
Molasses Taffy
Take two cupfuls of sugar, and one-half cupful of New Orleans or baking molasses, and one-half cupful of corn syrup, and a third teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to about the crack stage. Turn out on a greased platter, and when cool enough pull until light colored. Cut in small pieces....
14 minute read
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Nut Taffy
Nut Taffy
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup, one-half cupful of water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage. Add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and one cupful of nut meats, chopped. Pour out on a platter, and pull as soon as cool enough....
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Lemon Stick Candy
Lemon Stick Candy
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-half cupful of water, and the juice of one lemon. Boil all together with half the rind of the lemon to the crisp or crack stage. Flavor with one teaspoonful of extract of lemon, and color with yellow coloring. Pour out on a buttered platter, and when cool enough pull into sticks, and cut about four inches long....
19 minute read
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Peppermint Stick Candy
Peppermint Stick Candy
Make the same as the lemon stick, but omit the lemon, and use one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. After removing from fire flavor with peppermint. Divide the candy into two portions, and color one with red coloring. Pull each part separately, then twist the red candy around the white till you have it in form of a stick. Cut into sticks, and if desired form into canes....
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Strawberry Drops
Strawberry Drops
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup, the juice of one lemon, and a fourth cupful of water. A tablespoonful of vinegar can be used instead of lemon juice if desired. Boil to the hard crack stage. Color with red coloring and flavor with strawberry flavoring. Drop from a spoon in drops about the size of a nickel onto waxed or greased paper. By flavoring with different flavoring and using different colorings you may have a variety in these drop candies....
23 minute read
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Honey Peppermint Tablets
Honey Peppermint Tablets
Take one cupful of honey, one cupful of sugar and one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar and one teaspoonful of butter. Boil to the crack stage, then remove from fire and add one teaspoonful of peppermint extract. Drop from a spoon onto oiled paper, about the size of a nickel or quarter. This candy can be pulled if preferred, and cut into pieces....
19 minute read
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Maple Tablets
Maple Tablets
Melt together in a saucepan one cupful of maple sugar and one cupful of light brown sugar, four tablespoonfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of lemon juice and one tablespoonful of water. Boil to the hard crack stage, and drop on oiled paper in drops about the size of a nickel. When partly cool stick two of the drops together....
16 minute read
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Fruit Tablets
Fruit Tablets
Take one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup and one-half glass of currant or any kind of jelly. Boil to the crack stage, add a teaspoonful of vanilla, almond or the kind of flavoring that goes best with the jelly used. Drop from a spoon on oiled or waxed paper, and when partly cool put two drops together....
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Rose Nougat
Rose Nougat
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful white corn syrup, one-half cupful of water and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the crack stage. Add one-half cupful of finely chopped candied cherries, and color a rose color with fruit or vegetable coloring. Let stand for a few moments until partly cool, then pour over the whites of two stiffly beaten eggs. Beat well and pour into a buttered mold. Cut into squares. One-half cupful of finely chopped almonds can be added if de
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Raisin Stickies
Raisin Stickies
Take one cupful of sugar and one cupful of golden corn syrup and one cupful of finely chopped raisins, and one-half cupful of water and boil to the crack stage. Add one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into buttered pans, and when partly cool, mark off into sticks about an inch across. Twist each stick until twice the original length and cut in two. Place on paraffine paper until cool....
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Vanilla Taffy
Vanilla Taffy
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of white sugar, one cupful of white corn syrup, and one-half cupful of water. Bring to a boil, then add one teaspoonful of glycerine and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to about 260 degrees or to a little more than the hard ball stage and not quite to the crack stage. Pour on a greased platter or a slab, and add a tablespoonful of vanilla. Dip your hands in corn-starch and as soon as it cools enough to be handled pull until it is white and waxy. If a
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Salt Water Taffy
Salt Water Taffy
This is made the same as the vanilla taffy except that a tablespoonful of butter is added and one teaspoonful of salt. This can be flavored and colored to suit the taste and pulled like the vanilla taffy. In making taffy fold over the edges as it cools and keep folding the batch up until cool enough to pull....
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Taffy Dreams with Nut Centers
Taffy Dreams with Nut Centers
Place in a saucepan two pounds of granulated sugar, one cup of water and one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar or a tablespoonful of lemon juice. Boil to the hard ball stage. Place some nut meats in a bowl and pour enough of the syrup over these so that they will be well coated. Set these in a cool place while pulling the remainder of the taffy. Put the syrup over the fire and boil until nearly the crack stage, then remove and flavor with vanilla or almond, or any flavoring desired. Pour over a l
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Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Fudge
Take two cupfuls of sugar, two ounces of chocolate, one cup of good milk, and one tablespoonful of butter, or if you wish a richer fudge use two tablespoonfuls of butter. Bring the sugar, milk and butter to a boil and cook until it threads or to 235 degrees. Add the chocolate which should be melted or shaved fine. Stir it in well, then add a teaspoonful of vanilla, and beat up until creamy. The secret of good fudge lies in the beating. Some stir constantly from the time it is removed from the fi
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Maple Sugar Fudge
Maple Sugar Fudge
Take two cups of maple sugar, one cup of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, and one cupful of chopped walnut meats. Boil until the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water, or to about 240 degrees. Remove from fire and let stand until nearly cool, then stir until creamy. Pour into greased pans, and when cool cut into squares....
17 minute read
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Burnt Almond Fudge
Burnt Almond Fudge
Brown blanched almonds in the oven and chop rather coarsely. Brown one-half cupful of granulated sugar in a granite pan; then add two-thirds cupful of milk, and when the browned sugar is thoroughly dissolved add one cupful of granulated sugar and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water; flavor with almond extract and add one cupful of the browned almonds; stir until creamy, then pour into pans and mark off into squares....
22 minute read
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Coffee Fudge
Coffee Fudge
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of strong boiled coffee, one-half cupful of cream and a teaspoonful of butter. Boil to the soft ball stage, then add a cupful of chopped nut meats, and stir until creamy. Pour into pans and cut into squares. The nuts may be omitted if desired....
14 minute read
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Marshmallow Fudge
Marshmallow Fudge
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, a cupful of milk, a tablespoonful of butter, and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil until it threads or to 235 degrees, and then add a half pound of marshmallows. Beat until dissolved, add a cupful of chopped walnut meats. Pour into buttered pans and cut into squares. Another way to make this fudge is to omit the nuts and add two squares of chocolate....
20 minute read
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Peanut Fudge
Peanut Fudge
Take two cupfuls of brown sugar, one cupful of milk, and one teaspoonful of butter. When oily nuts are used in fudge one does not need to use so much butter. Boil to the thread or soft ball stage, and then add one cupful of finely ground peanuts and one teaspoonful vanilla. If preferred peanut butter may be used. Beat up until creamy, pour into buttered pans, and cut into squares....
19 minute read
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Fig Fudge
Fig Fudge
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of water, a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half pound of figs, one teaspoonful of ginger, and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil the mixture to the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire and beat up until creamy. Pour into a buttered pan and mark into squares. Chop the figs before adding....
16 minute read
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Divinity Fudge
Divinity Fudge
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, add one-half cupful of golden corn syrup, and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the hard ball stage. Add one cupful of chopped walnut meats, and one teaspoonful of vanilla; and then pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until light and foamy. Pour into buttered pans, and when cool mark off into squares....
18 minute read
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Cocoanut Fudge
Cocoanut Fudge
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the thread or soft ball stage and then add one cupful of grated cocoanut. Beat up until quite creamy....
12 minute read
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Fruit Fudge
Fruit Fudge
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, a cupful of milk, a tablespoonful of butter, and a pinch of cream of tartar. Boil until it makes a soft ball, then add a fourth pound of marshmallows. Beat until dissolved, then add one-half cupful of chopped walnut meats, and a cupful each of chopped dates and figs. Beat up until creamy, and pour into buttered pans....
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Cinnamon Fudge
Cinnamon Fudge
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of milk, one-half cupful of butter, and two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon. Boil to the soft ball stage, remove from the fire and add a teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat up until creamy, pour into a buttered mold and cut into squares when cold....
14 minute read
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Pineapple Fudge
Pineapple Fudge
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of water, and a pinch of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage, then add one cupful of candied pineapple. Pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and beat up until light and foamy....
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Layer Fudges
Layer Fudges
These are fine and are made by pouring one kind of fudge upon another in layers. For this purpose one should use only the fudges that combine well together. Layers of several different kinds of fudge may be used, or only two, as desired. A chocolate fudge with a layer of divinity fudge between is delicious. Pour half of the chocolate fudge into a pan, and when cool pour over it a layer of divinity fudge; then when this has cooled pour over the remainder of the chocolate fudge which should have b
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Cocoanut Marshmallow Fudge
Cocoanut Marshmallow Fudge
Take two cupfuls of sugar and one-half cupful of milk and boil up, then add one tablespoonful of butter and boil to the soft ball stage. Add a cupful of grated cocoanut and beat up until creamy. Arrange some marshmallows in a pan, and pour the fudge mixture over them. When cold cut into squares between the marshmallows....
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Another Cocoanut Marshmallow Fudge
Another Cocoanut Marshmallow Fudge
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of milk and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage. Take it off the fire and add a teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of grated cocoanut. Mix this in, then add a half-dozen marshmallows. Let stand a while until soft; then pour the mixture over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until it begins to get creamy, then pour into buttered pans, and when cool cut into squares....
23 minute read
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Barley Fudge
Barley Fudge
Take a cupful of barley and brown it in the oven; be careful not to burn it, but have it a nice brown. Run this through the coffee-grinder. Take two cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup, one-half cupful of milk and a tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the soft ball stage, add a tablespoonful of vanilla, then stir in the ground barley. Stir until creamy and pour out into a buttered pan, and when cold cut into squares....
22 minute read
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Coffee Caramels
Coffee Caramels
Take one cupful of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of milk, one-half cupful of strong boiled coffee and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage. Remove from the fire, stir in one teaspoonful of vanilla, then pour into buttered pans, and mark off into squares. When cool cut into squares, and wrap each caramel in waxed paper....
18 minute read
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Cocoanut Caramels
Cocoanut Caramels
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-half cupful of cream, or if milk is used add one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage. Remove from fire and stir in one cupful of grated cocoanut and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into buttered pans, and when cold cut into squares....
16 minute read
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Chocolate Caramels
Chocolate Caramels
Take one cupful of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, and one cupful of milk. Boil to about 235 degrees or to the soft ball stage, then add one-fourth pound of chocolate. Continue to boil to the hard ball stage or about 250 degrees. Flavor with vanilla, and pour into a buttered pan about an inch thick. Mark off into squares while still warm....
18 minute read
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Sultana Caramels
Sultana Caramels
Put into a saucepan two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of milk and one-fourth cupful of butter. Bring to the boiling point, then add a cupful of Sultana raisins and one-half cupful of English walnut meats. Boil until it makes a firm ball when dropped into cold water or to about 250 degrees. Remove from the fire, add one teaspoonful of vanilla; pour into square greased pans to an inch or half-inch thick. Mark off into squares, and press a Sultana ra
28 minute read
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Nut Chocolate Caramels
Nut Chocolate Caramels
Place in a saucepan one cupful of brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of milk and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage. Remove from the fire, add one teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of nut meats. Turn into square buttered pan, cool and cut into small squares, then dip into melted chocolate....
17 minute read
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Vanilla Caramels
Vanilla Caramels
Take two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of milk, and one-half cupful of golden corn syrup. Bring to a boil and then add two tablespoonfuls of butter. When nearly done add one square of chocolate. Boil to the hard ball stage, then flavor with a spoonful of vanilla. Pour into a square pan about an inch thick. Mark off in squares while still warm, and cut into cubes when cold....
19 minute read
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Strawberry Caramels
Strawberry Caramels
Place in a saucepan one cupful of granulated sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the soft ball stage, then add one glassful of whole preserved strawberries, and boil until a hard ball will form between the fingers in cold water or to 250 degrees. Turn into a buttered pan, cool, and cut into small squares....
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Jelly Caramels
Jelly Caramels
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful rich cream, or if milk is used add a tablespoonful of butter, and one cupful of golden corn syrup. Boil to the hard ball stage then add a teaspoonful of vanilla, and pour into separate pans only about a third as thick as the usual caramels. Stiffen a glassful of any good jelly with a little gelatine melted in a little cold water. Pour this jelly when it begins to stiffen over one of the layers of caramel. Let stand until nearly cold, then remove t
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Chocolate Cream Caramels
Chocolate Cream Caramels
These are made in the same way as the above except that a layer of fondant is placed between the two layers of caramel. Melt the fondant, and pour over the caramel, and when barely cool place the other layer on top. Press lightly so that the layers will blend together. When cool cut into squares....
15 minute read
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Molasses Caramels
Molasses Caramels
Take one cupful of brown sugar, two cupfuls of New Orleans molasses, one-half cup of milk, and one-half cupful of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage, then remove from the fire, and add one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into a buttered pan, mark off into squares when partly cool, and when cold cut into cubes....
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Franconia Caramels
Franconia Caramels
Take one cupful of light brown sugar, one cupful of molasses, one cupful of milk and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage, then remove from fire and add one-half cupful of walnut meats, and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Turn into a buttered pan, and when cool cut into cubes, and dip each one in melted chocolate....
16 minute read
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Tutti-Frutti Caramels
Tutti-Frutti Caramels
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, one-half cupful of chopped dates, one-half cupful of chopped figs, one-half cupful of chopped seeded raisins, and one-fourth cupful each of candied orange peel and citron. A half cupful of black walnut meats will improve this candy. Boil to the hard ball stage, stirring often to keep from sticking. Remove from fire, add a teaspoonful of vanilla, then pour into buttered pa
24 minute read
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Butternut Caramels
Butternut Caramels
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of golden corn syrup, one cupful of milk and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the hard ball stage, then remove from the fire and add one cupful of chopped butternut meats. Pour into buttered pans, and when partly cool mark off into squares. When cold cut in cubes with a sharp knife, and wrap each caramel in the paraffine paper....
19 minute read
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Carrot Caramels
Carrot Caramels
Boil some carrots or better bake them until quite tender, then pass through a sieve. To two cupfuls of this carrot pulp add two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup, two lemons, using both the juice and grated peel, one-half cupful of finely chopped almonds, also one-half cupful of water. Boil to the hard ball stage, and pour into well-buttered pans. When cool cut into cubes. [60] [61] [62] [63] Many delicious candies may be made by adding nuts to the other ingredients, and since nuts
28 minute read
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Chocolate Almonds
Chocolate Almonds
Blanch a pound of almonds; this is done by pouring hot water over the almond meats and letting them stand on back of stove for about five minutes when the skins can easily be slipped off. Place on a pan in the oven and brown a nice dark brown, but be careful not to let them burn. When cool dip each almond in melted sweet chocolate....
18 minute read
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Brown Almond Nougat
Brown Almond Nougat
Blanch and cut one pound of sweet almonds in slices; lay them on a paper in a pan, and place in the oven until slightly brown. Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup, and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Melt to a liquid, stirring well, then add the almonds and mix well with the syrup. Butter a large platter or marble slab. Pour the nougat on this and make it even with a lemon, which should be lightly dipped in oil or melted butter. Make it about an inch thick,
44 minute read
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White Nougat
White Nougat
Boil two pounds of honey to the crack stage, or nearly to the crack, have the whites of four eggs beaten stiff, and add to the honey. Stir over a slow fire until it has reached the crack stage; then add two pounds of blanched almonds cut into strips and slightly browned in the oven. Mix all together and pour on platter or marble slab, or else line a nougat frame with wafer paper which can be bought at a confectionery shop, then pour the nougat into the frame, put board and weight on top....
26 minute read
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Peanut Brittle
Peanut Brittle
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cup of corn syrup, one-half cupful of water, one tablespoonful of butter and cook to the crack stage, then add a teaspoonful of vanilla, and two cupfuls of peanuts that have been slightly roasted, and stir until it begins to turn brown. Be careful not to let it burn, or become more than a golden brown in color. Add one tablespoonful (level) of soda, stirring it quickly, then pour over a greased platter or marble slab. As soon as it is thin enough to han
32 minute read
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Almond Toffee
Almond Toffee
Take two cupfuls of brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter and one-half cupful of cream and boil to the hard ball stage; then add one cupful of chopped almonds and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Boil to the crack stage. Pour into buttered pans, and mark off into squares....
13 minute read
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Southern Hazelnut Toffee
Southern Hazelnut Toffee
Melt one-half cupful of butter in a saucepan, add one cupful brown sugar and one cupful New Orleans molasses. Boil to the hard ball stage, add one cupful of chopped hazelnuts and boil to the crack stage. Pour into buttered pan, and mark off into squares....
13 minute read
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Mexican Panocha
Mexican Panocha
Take two cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup, one cupful of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of butter, and one square of chocolate. Mix the ingredients and boil to the hard ball stage, stirring the mixture constantly while on the stove. Add one cupful of pecan or any chopped nut meats, and pour into buttered pans. When cold cut into squares....
17 minute read
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Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of cream, and boil to the soft ball stage. Remove from fire and add one cupful of whole pecan meats, and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Stir until creamy, but be careful not to break the nut meats. A good way is to stir until it begins to cream, then add the nuts, and stir until the meats are well mixed with the creamy mass. Place in a cool place for a while, then separate the nut meats, keeping each one roughly coated with the cream candy....
25 minute read
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Cream Nut Bars
Cream Nut Bars
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of maple sugar, and one cupful of cream and boil to the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire and stir in one teaspoonful of vanilla, then stir until it begins to get creamy; add one cupful of finely chopped nut meats. Pour into a square pan, mark off into small squares, and press a half nut meat in center of each square. Cut into bars when cool, allowing two or three squares to a bar....
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Maple and Butternut Cream
Maple and Butternut Cream
Take two cupfuls of maple sugar, and one cup of cream. Boil to the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire and add one cupful butternut meats, and stir until it turns creamy. Pour into buttered pans, and cut into squares. Maple and walnut creams may be made in the same manner. Place a half of a nut meat on top of each square....
18 minute read
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Chocolate Nut Candy
Chocolate Nut Candy
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and boil to the soft ball stage, then add one-fourth cupful of melted chocolate, one teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of nut meats. Beat up until creamy. Pour into buttered pans, and when cold cut into squares or bars. Peanuts, walnuts, pecans or any kind of nuts can be used for this candy....
19 minute read
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Nut Bonbons
Nut Bonbons
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage. Pour into four different plates. In one plate put a little melted chocolate and a fourth teaspoonful of vanilla, on another plate pour a few drops of red coloring and flavor with strawberry, on another plate pour a little yellow coloring and flavor with orange or lemon. Drop about a dozen almonds on each plate, the fourth plate being left white. Stir
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Candied Chestnuts
Candied Chestnuts
Take the chestnuts that are to be candied and score each nut on one side with a sharp knife. Cover with boiling water, cook five minutes and dry. Add a teaspoonful of butter to each pint of nuts, and stir or shake over the fire for five minutes. This loosens the shells and the inner skins, which can now be removed together. Cover the shelled nuts with cold water, and to each pound of nuts add the juice of one lemon. Let stand in this over night, since this will help to harden the nuts, so they c
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Glacé Nuts
Glacé Nuts
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, and one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard crack stage or until the syrup begins to turn brown. Add a teaspoonful of vanilla. Take the nuts to be dipped separately on a long pin, dip into the syrup to cover, remove and place on oiled or waxed paper. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans and peanuts can be used for dipping....
20 minute read
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Walnut Bonbons
Walnut Bonbons
Place in a saucepan one cupful of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup, one-half cupful of water, and a pinch of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage, then add one-half teaspoonful of vanilla and one-half cupful of English walnut meats chopped fine. Pour over the beaten white of one egg, and beat up until light. When it begins to harden drop on halved English walnut meats and press a half nut meat on the top of each bonbon....
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Peanut Molasses Candy
Peanut Molasses Candy
Take one cupful of sugar, one cupful of New Orleans or sorghum molasses, and a tablespoonful of butter and boil to the hard crack stage. Stir in two cupfuls of peanuts, or just as many as you can, as the more nuts in this candy the better. Pour on a greased pan. When cold break into pieces or cut into squares with a very sharp knife....
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Mexican Nut Confection
Mexican Nut Confection
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, a quart of sweet milk and boil until the sugar is all melted, then stir in the well beaten yolks of six eggs. Boil until thick and smooth, stirring constantly, then add one pound of almonds that have been blanched and worked into a paste, and one teaspoonful of cinnamon. Boil to a firm mass, and stir to keep from sticking. This should be made in a double boiler. Pour into a buttered mold at least two inches thick, and when very cold slice. This is good dipp
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Nut Loaf
Nut Loaf
Take an equal quantity of walnut, hickory-nut, almond and pecan meats and chop fine. To each cupful of nut meats have one-half cupful of chopped fruit, using dates, figs, raisins or candied cherries. Work the fruit and nuts well together. For each cupful of this mixture take one cupful of fondant. Melt the fondant, and stir the fruit and nut mixture into it; then remove and knead. Form this into an oblong loaf, flatten on top. Cover with paraffine paper and let stand for several days until the f
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Nut Stuffed Fruit
Nut Stuffed Fruit
Dates are especially nice stuffed with nut meats. Remove the stones and insert a salted blanched almond in each, or chop up some walnut meats and work into a paste with a little cream or fondant and insert in the center of the dates. Close up and roll the dates in powdered sugar or else dip into fondant. Large prunes soaked over night until plump, and then stuffed with chopped almonds or pecan nut meats are fine. Large Sultana raisins are also good stuffed with nut meats....
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Cherry and Almond Confection
Cherry and Almond Confection
Take two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of corn syrup and a half cupful of milk and boil to the soft ball stage. Add a half cupful of chopped almonds, one-half cupful of candied cherries, and one teaspoonful almond extract. Stir until creamy, pour into buttered pan, and when cold cut into squares. Decorate some of the squares with almond meats and others with candied cherries. Some of the most delicious home-made candies are made with the addition of fruits to the other ingredients. All kinds
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Quince Confections
Quince Confections
Melt some fondant in a bowl, flavor with orange or lemon. Put some preserved quinces into the oven until dry. Dip each quarter into melted fondant. Place on oiled paper to dry. Preserved pineapple can be used in the same way....
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Maraschino Drops
Maraschino Drops
Take maraschino cherries. Dip into melted white or pink fondant that has been flavored with almond extract; then when hardened dip into melted chocolate fondant, or melted chocolate....
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Strawberry Divinity Fudge
Strawberry Divinity Fudge
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, half a cupful of water and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage. Add one glassful of whole preserved strawberries and boil up again. Pour the mixture over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs and beat up until light and foamy. When the mixture begins to harden pour into buttered pans and when cool cut into squares. Any thick preserved fruits can be used in the same way. Preserved strawberries and preserved pine
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Tutti-Frutti Cream
Tutti-Frutti Cream
Melt one pound of fondant in a double-boiler, add one teaspoonful of vanilla or orange flavor; then add one tablespoonful of strawberry preserves (using only the berries), one tablespoonful of preserved cherries, two tablespoonfuls of preserved or candied pineapple, and one tablespoonful each of peach and pear preserves. The addition also of a teaspoonful each of candied orange and lemon peel will improve the mixture. When partly cool pour into a mold for slicing or form into bonbon shapes. If n
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Pear Caramels
Pear Caramels
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of corn syrup, half a cupful of good milk and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil for a few minutes, then add one cupful of preserved pears, half a cupful of chopped candied ginger and a fourth cupful of candied lemon peel. Boil to the hard ball stage, add one teaspoonful of orange flavor and pour into pans. When cold cut into squares. Peach caramels are made in the same manner, only instead of the candied ginger a cupful of chopped
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Marzipan Fruit Candies
Marzipan Fruit Candies
Delicious fruit candies can be made by using marzipan paste. To make this paste take one cup of blanched almonds and run them through a food chopper; then pound to a fine flour. Place in a bowl and add to this flour the same amount of powdered sugar. Use enough water, rose water, orange juice or grape juice to make stiff paste—about three ounces will be enough. Beat an egg up stiff and work it into the paste. Roll out the marzipan an inch thick and cut into rounds or squares. Place a bit of pres
45 minute read
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Surprise Dates
Surprise Dates
Select some nice large dates and remove the stones. Fill some of the cavities with chopped raisins, figs, nuts and so forth, and some with chopped candied cherries; try to have the varieties of fillings as great as possible. Fondant with several different flavorings may also be used. Dip some of these stuffed dates in chocolate fondant, some in different colored fondants and some in plain white. Every date eaten then will prove to be a surprise and delight....
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Marshmallow Fruit Fudge
Marshmallow Fruit Fudge
Tear out a piece from the center of each marshmallow, being careful not to make a hole quite through it. Fill the cavities thus formed with any good preserved fruit. Make a chocolate fudge and pour it over the marshmallows, which should have been placed on greased paper in a pan. Be sure that the fruit is entirely covered. When cold cut out in cakes; they can be dipped in chocolate or left as they are. These are delicious and will prove an agreeable surprise to those who have never eaten them be
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Frosted Fruit Fudge
Frosted Fruit Fudge
Make a good chocolate fudge, beating it until creamy, and pour it into a greased pan to about an inch in depth. When this is almost hard cover with any thick preserved fruit desired. Then place in a kettle one cup of granulated sugar, a fourth cupful of water and a pinch of cream of tartar. When the mixture has boiled to the hard ball stage pour it over the stiffly beaten white of one egg, add a teaspoonful of vanilla, or the kind of flavoring that will combine best with the fruit used, and beat
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Cherry Foam
Cherry Foam
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, half a cupful of water and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil until it forms a hard ball. Just before taking the syrup from the fire stir in a cupful of preserved cherries—the clear, transparent kinds are best. Pour the mixture over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs and beat until light and foamy. Lay whole candied cherries two inches apart on waxed or greased paper and drop the foam by spoonfuls on these, pressing candied cherr
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Fig Favorites
Fig Favorites
Select the best quality of figs and steam until soft, then make an incision in each lengthwise and stuff with chopped nut meats. Close and place on a buttered pan. Boil together two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil until it will make a hard ball when dropped into cold water, flavor with a little vanilla, and then pour over the stuffed figs. When nearly cold mark off into squares, then dip in melted chocolate....
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Pineapple Marshmallows
Pineapple Marshmallows
Soak four ounces of gum arabic in one cupful of pineapple juice until dissolved; then strain through cheese-cloth. Put into a saucepan with one-half pound of best powdered sugar and place saucepan in a pan of hot water on the stove. Stir the mixture until it becomes thick and white. Drop a little into cold water, and if it becomes a firm ball, remove from the fire and whip into it the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla. Dust a square pan with corn-starch an
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Fruit Chocolate Balls
Fruit Chocolate Balls
Take one cupful each of dates, seeded raisins and English walnut meats. Pass through a food chopper. Form into balls, and dip into melted chocolate fondant....
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Watermelon Dainty
Watermelon Dainty
Take two cupfuls of sugar, one-fourth cupful of water, one tablespoonful of white corn syrup, and a pinch of cream of tartar and boil until it spins a thread or to 230 degrees. Pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and beat up until light and foamy. Add one teaspoonful of vanilla, one cupful of chopped preserved watermelon rind, and one-half cupful of chopped nut meats. Color pink with a little red fruit or vegetable coloring. Pour into a buttered pan or mold to cool and cut into squa
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Date Delight
Date Delight
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cupful of milk, and one tablespoonful of butter. Boil to the soft ball stage. Add a teaspoonful of vanilla, and one cupful of chopped dates. Beat up until creamy. Pour into buttered pan or mold, and cut into squares when cold....
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Stuffed Prunes
Stuffed Prunes
Remove the stones from the prunes. Crack the stones and chop up the pits. Add the chopped pits to chopped dates, and fill the cavities of the prunes with the mixture. Dip the prunes in melted fondant. Another way to stuff the prunes is to stone some dates, fit a cherry inside of each date, then fit the date into the prune, and dip in the fondant. The prunes should be soaked in water for several hours before stuffing, and should be drained and wiped dry. Prunes filled with fondant or fondant and
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Fruit Roll
Fruit Roll
Cook two cupfuls of brown sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup and one-fourth cupful of water until it spins a thread. Remove from the fire and add the grated rind of one lemon and one orange, and a teaspoonful of the juice of each, one cupful of seeded raisins, one cupful of English currants, one-half cupful of cocoanut, one-half cupful of dates, and one-fourth cupful of figs; these fruits should all be run through a food chopper. Stir all until it forms a mass. Roll out into a thin shee
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Jelly Cake Candy
Jelly Cake Candy
Melt some fondant and pour into a square or round mold. Candy boxes lined with waxed paper will do. When cool place over this a thin layer of some thick jelly, such as currant, red raspberry, or orange; then pour over this another layer of fondant, and when this has cooled spread with another thin layer of jelly and pour over the top some more fondant. The layers of fondant may be colored differently if desired, and flavored to suit the jelly used. When cold turn out of mold, and cut into thin s
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Ginger Creams
Ginger Creams
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of cream, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar or a few drops of acetic acid and one-half teaspoonful of glycerine. Boil until it forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water or to about 240 degrees; then pour the syrup on a large platter and when it has become slightly cool cover with candied ginger cut into thin strips—about one-half cupful will be enough. Work with a wooden spoon from the sides of the dish until it be
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Lemon Creams
Lemon Creams
Place in a saucepan one cupful of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of cream, the grated rind of one lemon. Boil to the soft ball stage; color with a few drops of yellow coloring and when slightly cool beat up until creamy. Form into bonbons and decorate with candied lemon peel....
14 minute read
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Peppermint Creams
Peppermint Creams
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-fourth cupful of white corn syrup, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and one-half cupful of cream. Boil to the soft ball stage. Let stand until nearly cool, then flavor with six drops of oil of peppermint, or one-half teaspoonful of extract, and add a few drops of red coloring to make a light shade of pink. Beat up until creamy and form into mint shape. Wintergreen creams can be made by flavoring with wintergreen....
23 minute read
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Maple Creams
Maple Creams
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of light maple sugar and one-half cupful of cream. Boil to the soft ball stage, then stir in one cupful of finely chopped nut meats, and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat until creamy, and pour into a buttered pan. Cut into small squares. These are good dipped in melted chocolate....
15 minute read
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Walnut Creams
Walnut Creams
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup, and one-half cupful of cream. Boil to the soft ball stage, add a cupful of finely chopped walnut meats, and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat until the mixture becomes creamy, then pour into buttered pan, and when cold mark off into small squares....
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Cocoanut Creams
Cocoanut Creams
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-fourth cupful of white corn syrup, one-half cupful of cream, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage, then add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and one-half cupful of shredded cocoanut. Stir until creamy, and pour into buttered pan. Can be formed in bonbon shape or poured into buttered pan....
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Honey Creams
Honey Creams
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, two tablespoonfuls of strained honey, and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the hard ball stage, then remove from fire and stir in one-half teaspoonful of almond extract, and a half cupful of chopped almonds. Pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until light and foamy, and drop from a spoon on greased paper. Decorate the top with almonds....
18 minute read
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Vanilla Sea Foam
Vanilla Sea Foam
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one-half cupful of water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage or to 250 degrees. Remove from the fire and flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla, then pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until light and foamy, and drop from a spoon on greased paper or a buttered plate. These are fine dipped in melted chocolate....
21 minute read
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Maple Foam
Maple Foam
Take two cupfuls of maple sugar, one cupful of brown sugar, one-half cupful of water, and a fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage, then add a dozen marshmallows cut up into bits. Cover and let stand for five minutes, then pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until light and it begins to harden. Drop from a spoon on greased paper, and place a half walnut meat on top of each piece of candy....
23 minute read
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Candied Cherry Foam
Candied Cherry Foam
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage, and just before removing from the fire stir in a cupful of candied cherries cut into bits; then stir the mixture over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, add a few drops of red coloring, just enough to make a delicate pink, and beat up until light and it begins to harden. Drop from a spoon on waxed or greased paper, and garnish each drop wit
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Nut Foam Chocolates
Nut Foam Chocolates
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage. Add a teaspoonful of vanilla and pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs and beat until foamy. Drop from a spoon on a greased paper or buttered plates that have been spread with chopped nut meats. Press chopped nut meats over the top, then set aside to cool. When cool dip into melted chocolate or melted chocolate fondant. These will be
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Maple Delight
Maple Delight
Take one cupful of maple sugar, and one cupful of light brown sugar, one-fourth cupful of golden corn syrup and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil for a few minutes then add one-half cupful of chopped raisins, and one-half cupful of walnut or pecan nut meats. Boil to the hard ball stage, flavor with vanilla, and pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Drop from spoon on waxed paper, and place a Sultana raisin on top of each drop. [100] [101] [102] [103] The foundation for n
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Chocolate Creams
Chocolate Creams
Many may be surprised to know that they can make several hundred different varieties of chocolate creams alone. The simplest chocolate creams are made by dipping the plain fondant, after it has been formed in bonbon shapes, into melted chocolate. These fondant centers may be flavored with vanilla, peppermint, wintergreen, pineapple, orange, lemon, banana, almond, pistachio, cinnamon, allspice and clove, rose and other kinds of flavors found in the market. Certain kinds of flavors can also be com
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Chocolate Creams With Fruit Centers
Chocolate Creams With Fruit Centers
Maraschino cherries, drained and dipped first in melted fondant flavored with almond, and then coated with chocolate, are delicious. Bits of candied pineapple dipped into fondant flavored with pineapple, lemon or orange and then coated with the chocolate, are fine. Work some thick pear preserves into fondant, add a little chopped candied ginger, and when cool coat with chocolate. Or before coating them with chocolate dip in fondant flavored with lemon or vanilla. Peach preserves dried in the ove
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Chocolate Creams with Nut Centers
Chocolate Creams with Nut Centers
Almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, hickory-nuts, peanuts and Brazil nuts can all be used in making centers for chocolate cream candies. The nuts should be first blanched. Put two cupfuls of fondant in a double boiler and melt, add a teaspoonful of lemon juice, stir over the fire until melted; then take the nut meats, one by one, on a candy dipper or fork and dip into the fondant. Lay on oiled or paraffine paper until cold, then dip into melted chocolate. The fondant may be divided if preferred
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How to Coat Chocolate Creams
How to Coat Chocolate Creams
Most confectioners use a bittersweet chocolate with which they coat their chocolates; this may be obtained at any good confectionery shop and will cost about fifty cents a pound, but if this is not obtainable a bittersweet chocolate can be made by combining sweetened chocolate with Baker's bitter chocolate. Use half and half of each, and blend well together before dipping the chocolates in it. Any one who likes the bitter tang in the chocolates may use the bitter chocolate by itself. A small amo
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Bonbons Made with Cocoanut
Bonbons Made with Cocoanut
Cocoanut cubes are made by taking two cupfuls of fondant and melting it in a double boiler, stir in one cupful of grated cocoanut and mix in well. Pour this into a square box lined with paraffine paper; it should be about an inch thick. When cold cut into squares. This cocoanut mixture may be variously tinted and given unusual and elusive flavors, and thus one may have a variety. Another way to make cocoanut cubes is to melt some fondant and pour half of it in a square or oblong box lined with p
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Nut Bonbons
Nut Bonbons
Divide some fondant into four parts. Color one part pink, one part yellow, add to the third violet, and to a fourth green pistachio coloring. Flavor each portion with a different flavoring extract. Take some halved walnut meats and blanch. Form the fondant into round balls the size of hickory-nuts; put a half walnut on each side of the fondant ball and press them together so that the fondant is between the two halves of the walnuts. By using some chocolate fondant, some maple fondant and some wh
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Fruit Bonbons
Fruit Bonbons
Remove the stones from nice large dates, fill the cavities with fondant of different flavors and colors. If preferred these may be dipped in fondant, or left as they are. Prunes may be stuffed with fondant or a fondant and nut mixture, and then dipped in fondant of different colors. Chop up some figs until fine, work into this an equal quantity of nut meats. Roll up into balls; if not moist enough add a little cream. Dip into melted fondant. Raisins are also good prepared in this manner. Dip int
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Assorted Bonbons
Assorted Bonbons
The plain white fondant flavored with vanilla is good dipped in the pink, yellow, green or violet fondant, or in maple fondant; form the white fondant in pretty bonbon shapes before dipping. Pretty marbles can be made by taking a small piece of two or more colored fondants in the hand and rolling them around until they become smooth and round and beautifully streaked with the different colors. Place on paraffine paper and turn often to prevent their flattening on one side, until firmly set. Roll
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How to Dip with Fondant
How to Dip with Fondant
Just a word in regard to the dipping, and preparing the fondant for dipping. Place the fondant in a double boiler or in a bowl and place the bowl in a saucepan of hot water. The fondant should be melted to about the consistency of thick cream. Be careful that it does not get too hot or it will become a syrup again. Stir occasionally while melting and this will help it to melt not only evenly, but more quickly. If the fondant is very dry a few drops of water may be added, but be very careful not
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Oriental Bonbons
Oriental Bonbons
These cream chocolates are more difficult to make than the common chocolate creams, but one is well repaid for the trouble for they are simply delicious. To make them take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, one-half teaspoonful of glycerine and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar or three drops acetic acid. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then wipe down the sides of the kettle to remove all sugar crystals. Boil to exactly 238 degrees, then pour out on a platter o
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Molasses Pop-Corn Balls
Molasses Pop-Corn Balls
Take one cupful of light brown sugar and one cupful of New Orleans molasses, half a cupful of water and boil to the hard ball stage, then add two tablespoonfuls of butter. Boil to the crack stage, then add a half teaspoonful of soda and pour over some freshly popped corn in a bowl. Stir until the syrup is evenly distributed over the corn, but be careful not to break the grains in doing so. Dip the hands in water, take a portion of the pop-corn up into the hands and press into nice even round bal
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Chocolate Pop-Corn Balls
Chocolate Pop-Corn Balls
Pop some corn and pick out only the large crisp, tender grains. Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil until it spins a thread or forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water; then flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour part of this sugar syrup over the pop-corn, stirring until the syrup is evenly distributed through the pop-corn; while doing this let the remainder stand on the back of the stove. Form
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Snow Pop-Corn Balls
Snow Pop-Corn Balls
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-half cupful of water and a pinch of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage, then flavor with a few drops of peppermint extract or a half teaspoonful of vanilla and pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Beat up until light and it begins to harden, then stir in two cupfuls of crisp pop-corn grains. Dip the hands into corn-starch and mold while still warm into small balls. Roll each ball in cocoanut, and
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Ice Pop-Corn Balls
Ice Pop-Corn Balls
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the crack stage and pour over pop-corn in a bowl, stirring until the syrup is well mixed with the corn. Form into small balls with the hands. While still warm roll the balls in pulverized or finely chopped rock candy to simulate ice....
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Pop-Corn Dainty
Pop-Corn Dainty
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to firm ball. Just before removing from the fire stir into the syrup a pint of pop-corn that has been run through the food chopper. Pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla and beat up until light and foamy; then pour into greased pans, and cut into squares, or drop from a spoon on paraffine paper, and press a whole pop-cor
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Crystallized Pop-Corn
Crystallized Pop-Corn
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, two tablespoonfuls of white corn syrup and one-half cupful of cream and boil to the soft ball stage. Divide into four portions, pouring each portion on a buttered plate, and flavoring differently with strawberry, orange, maple and melted chocolate respectively. Beat the portion on each plate until creamy, coloring the portion that is flavored with strawberry pink, the orange flavored with yellow. One portion may be left white if liked, or the amount of syrup
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Pop-Corn Bars
Pop-Corn Bars
Take two cups of sugar, one-half cupful of water and boil to the hard ball stage. Add vanilla flavoring or any desired flavoring. Crush some fresh pop-corn with a rolling pin, and stir into the syrup. When the corn has been perfectly mixed with the syrup press into a square or oblong buttered pan to the depth of about an inch, patting it smooth on top. When cool cut into bars with a very sharp knife....
21 minute read
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Maple Pop-Corn Bars
Maple Pop-Corn Bars
Cook two cupfuls of maple sugar and one cupful of cream to the hard ball stage. Beat up until it begins to turn creamy, then stir in a pint of large, crisp kernels. See that the syrup is well mixed through the corn. Turn into a square or oblong pan that has been well buttered and press until flat on top, but not hard enough to crush the kernels. If liked it can be shaped into bars with the hands, and there will not be so much danger of crushing the kernels. If shaped in a pan cut into bars with
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Pop-Corn Macaroons
Pop-Corn Macaroons
Run some freshly popped corn through the food chopper, or else chop up with a knife until fine. To a cupful of these add an equal quantity of blanched almonds that have been pounded to a paste. Put these together in a bowl. Beat up whites of three eggs until stiff, then add about one-half a cupful of sugar and beat up for about five minutes. Mix the pop-corn and paste into this slowly until thoroughly blended. Drop from a spoon on oiled or buttered paper in a pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar
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Cherokee Crisp
Cherokee Crisp
Take two cupfuls of light brown sugar, one-fourth cupful of New Orleans molasses, and one-half cupful of water. Melt over the fire until all the sugar is dissolved, add two tablespoonfuls of butter. Sprinkle some salt over a quart of freshly popped corn in a bowl. Flavor the syrup with a teaspoonful of vanilla after it has reached the hard crack stage and pour over the corn. Turn out on a large platter or marble slab and work until a very thin sheet. When cold break into pieces....
24 minute read
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Pop-Corn Almond Nougat
Pop-Corn Almond Nougat
Take two cupfuls of white sugar, one-fourth cupful of water and one-fourth cupful of corn syrup. Melt over the fire until the sugar is dissolved, then stir in one cupful of chopped pop-corn and one-half cupful of chopped almonds. Boil to the hard crack stage, flavor with a little almond extract, and pour over buttered pans in thin sheets. When cold break into pieces or cut into squares with a sharp knife....
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Pop-Corn Brittle
Pop-Corn Brittle
Take a cupful of granulated sugar, one cupful of brown sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup and one-fourth cupful of water. Melt to a syrup, then boil to the hard ball stage, add one-fourth cupful of butter and boil until it begins to turn color or to the hard crack stage. Place in a bowl two quarts of freshly popped corn and one cupful chopped peanuts. Pour the syrup over the corn and stir until all the kernels and nuts are covered with it. If not to be so thick with pop-corn and nuts us
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Pop-Corn Fudge
Pop-Corn Fudge
Take two cupfuls of white sugar, one cupful of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter and a pinch of salt. Boil to the soft ball stage. Flavor with a half teaspoonful of almond extract, then stir in one cupful of chopped pop-corn and one-half cupful of chopped peanuts or any nuts desired. Stir until creamy and pour out on buttered pans, and when cool cut into squares. [132] [133] [134] [135] Under this head you will find recipes for making macaroons, which are closely allied to candies; and a number
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Almond Macaroons
Almond Macaroons
To the beaten whites of six eggs add eight ounces of blanched and powdered almonds. With the yolks of the eggs beat one pound of powdered sugar; add the grated rinds of two lemons, a little sliced citron and one-fourth pound of flour, and mix well together. Beat lightly into this the almond whip. Drop from a spoon on greased paper, and bake in a moderate oven until done....
19 minute read
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Cream Macaroons
Cream Macaroons
Beat the whites and the yolks of six eggs separately. Add to the yolks three pounds of powdered sugar and the same amount of flour. Add the whites of the eggs and enough flavored whipped cream to mix well; pour into molds, and bake a delicate brown....
13 minute read
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Jasmine Macaroons
Jasmine Macaroons
Into the whites of six eggs beaten until stiff mix one cupful of powdered sugar; then beat into this some jasmine flowers. Make into small cakes, sprinkle with sugar, and bake in a moderate oven....
9 minute read
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Queen Macaroons
Queen Macaroons
Mix the beaten whites of six eggs with the yolks of four; add one cupful of sugar and flour and a small quantity of coriander seed. Drop from a spoon on waxed paper and bake in a moderate oven....
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Chocolate Macaroons
Chocolate Macaroons
Take one-fourth pound of grated chocolate, three ounces of blanched and pounded almonds, and a half cupful of granulated or powdered sugar. Mix well together, then make into a soft paste with the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased paper. Bake about one-half hour in a moderate oven....
14 minute read
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Cocoanut Macaroons
Cocoanut Macaroons
Take one cup of sugar, two cupfuls of grated cocoanut, and two tablespoonfuls of flour. Blend well together; then make into a paste with the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs....
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Hickory-Nut Macaroons
Hickory-Nut Macaroons
Beat up the whites of three eggs until stiff, add slowly one cup of sifted granulated sugar, or powdered sugar and one cupful of hickory-nut meats chopped fine, and rolled. Bake slowly in a moderate oven until a light brown. If desired these can be flavored with a little vanilla, about a half teaspoonful. All macaroons should be dropped by spoonfuls on greased paper....
17 minute read
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Peanut Macaroons
Peanut Macaroons
Pass one cupful of peanuts through a food chopper, using the fine cutter. Place in a bowl and add one cupful of powdered sugar, one tablespoonful of flour and blend together into a paste with the whites of two or three eggs beaten until stiff. Drop from a spoon on greased paper and bake in the oven for about thirty minutes or until a light brown in color. A halved peanut can be placed in the center of each macaroon before baking if desired....
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Cherry Macaroons
Cherry Macaroons
Take a cupful of almonds, chop and rub into a paste, add a cupful of sugar, then add gradually the whites of three eggs. Chop a few candied cherries fine and stir in. Drop from a spoon on buttered paper, place a candied cherry in the center of each macaroon, and bake in a moderate oven....
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Coffee Macaroons
Coffee Macaroons
Blanch a half pound of almonds and pound to a paste. Mix into this two tablespoonfuls of very strong coffee in liquid form. Use enough coffee to form into a paste; then add the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs and two cupfuls of white sugar. Shape into macaroons, and place on greased or paraffine paper on a pan. Bake for about ten minutes in a hot oven. Decorate the centers with a candied cherry or any candied fruit....
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Chocolate Macaroons
Chocolate Macaroons
Grate four ounces of chocolate very fine and mix with it a tablespoonful of flour, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, one cupful of powdered sugar, and a pinch of cream of tartar. Stir this gradually into the stiffly beaten whites of six eggs, and add a teaspoonful of vanilla. Line pans with oiled or waxed paper and drop by spoonfuls on this, and bake in a slow oven for about twenty or thirty minutes. The centers of these can be decorated with halves of walnut, pecan or hickory-nut meats....
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Pistachio Macaroons
Pistachio Macaroons
Pound a half pound of pistachio nuts to a paste, add to this an equal amount of almond paste, and two cupfuls of sugar. Work into this slowly the stiffly beaten whites of six eggs, or enough to make the paste of the right consistency for macaroons. Bake in a moderate oven. These make pretty pale green macaroons....
16 minute read
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Cinnamon Macaroons
Cinnamon Macaroons
Run through a chopper one cupful of almonds, then rub into a paste, mix with an equal quantity of sugar, a tablespoonful of ground cinnamon, one-fourth cupful of finely grated chocolate, then work in carefully the whites of four eggs. Drop on greased paper, and bake in a moderate oven....
14 minute read
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Soak two ounces of gelatine in one-half cupful of water for an hour. Boil two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cup of water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar until it spins a thread. Pour the gelatine on a platter and over this pour the syrup. Beat up for twenty or thirty minutes. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla, if desired, adding it just before the beating up. Pour into well greased cake tin; let stand till solid. Turn out on powdered sugar, cut in squares, and roll in powdered sug
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Cocoanut Marshmallows
Cocoanut Marshmallows
Take two cupfuls of sugar, add a half cupful of water and heat until the sugar is dissolved, then stir in one-half box of gelatine that has been soaked for a few hours in a little water. Let stand until partially cool, then add a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of vanilla, a cupful and a half of shredded cocoanut, and the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Stir well, then pour into deep pans well dusted with corn-starch and powdered sugar. The mixture should be at least a half inch thick. Turn ou
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Orange Marshmallows
Orange Marshmallows
Soak two ounces of gelatine in one cupful of orange juice until dissolved, then strain through cheese-cloth, put into saucepan in a pan of hot water on the stove and add one cup of sugar. Stir the mixture until it is thick and white. Heat until a little stirred on a cold plate will form a creamy ball, remove from the fire and whip into the mixture the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Flavor with orange extract, using about a teaspoonful. Whip with silver fork until it begins to thicken. Pour
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Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar and boil to the crack stage. Remove from the fire, flavor with one teaspoonful of lemon extract and color yellow with a few drops of yellow fruit or vegetable coloring. When cool enough to handle, pull the yellow candy in a long sheet about two inches wide. In the center of this lay a roll of white or chocolate fondant as long as the strip of candy. Wrap the yellow candy around this fondant
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Candied Sweet Potato Balls
Candied Sweet Potato Balls
Take some good sweet potatoes, peel them, and then scoop out little balls with a vegetable scoop. Boil these balls in slightly salted water until tender enough to pierce with a splint. Remove from the fire and drain off the water. Take two cupfuls of sugar and one-half cupful of water and cook to a thick syrup, add a teaspoonful of vanilla and part of the potato balls, dropping them in carefully to prevent breaking. Let them simmer until they are coated with a thick coating and are transparent o
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Persian Confection
Persian Confection
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar and dissolve in one-half cupful of pineapple juice. Place over the fire in a double boiler, and when it boils add an ounce of best gelatine that has been soaked in a little water. Cook for twenty minutes, then stir in one cupful of finely chopped dates and one-half cupful of finely chopped almonds. Stir well, then pour into a pan dusted with corn-starch and powdered sugar. Let stand for twelve hours, and then cut into squares and roll in powdered sugar....
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Turkish Confection
Turkish Confection
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar and one-half cupful of water, place in a double boiler and bring to a boil, then add one ounce of best gelatine (pink or red gelatine can be used) that has been dissolved in a half cupful of cold water. Bring to the boiling point and let it simmer for twenty minutes. Remove from the fire and add one cupful of orange juice, two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, the grated rind of one orange, and the grated rind of one-half lemon. Dust a pan with corn-starch and p
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Arabian Confection
Arabian Confection
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar and one-half cupful of water. Boil to the soft ball stage, then add two ounces of best gelatine which has been soaked in three-fourths cupful of water for about two hours or until dissolved, juice of one lemon and one cupful of finely chopped figs, or figs and dates mixed. Stir until the mixture thickens, then pour into pan dusted with corn-starch and powdered sugar to an inch or half inch in depth. Let stand until p
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Honeycomb Candy
Honeycomb Candy
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, one tablespoonful of butter and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. Boil to the hard ball stage. Just before removing from the fire add one teaspoonful of vanilla or any flavoring desired, and a little coloring if you wish a colored candy. Pour on a buttered plate or pan, and when cool enough to handle pull quickly with ends of fingers. Stretch out on board to harden. Cut into strips. If rightly made this candy will
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Turkish Delight
Turkish Delight
Soak the contents of a box of granulated gelatine in two-thirds cupful of orange juice for fifteen minutes. Take off the fire, add the juice of a lemon, one-half cupful of preserved pears, one-half cupful of candied ginger and candied lemon peel combined. Pour into a pan dusted with a mixture of corn-starch and powdered sugar. Let stand until cool, then cut in cubes....
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Apple Sweetmeats
Apple Sweetmeats
Grate two large white raw apples into the unbeaten whites of two eggs, beat up until thick and stiff, then gradually add one cupful of sugar. Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of gelatine in a half pint of good cream, sweeten to taste, and when cool beat up until light and firm and snow white. Fold the apple mixture into the whipped cream and pour into molds. Roll in powder after the bonbons have been turned out of the molds....
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Chocolate Arabics
Chocolate Arabics
Melt in a double boiler a cake of unsweetened chocolate. Melt in a bowl some fondant flavored with any preferred flavoring. Buy some gum-drops and dip these in the fondant and place on paraffine paper to harden; then dip in the melted chocolate. A little vanilla can be added to the melted chocolate. By dipping gum-drops in this manner their character is entirely changed, and much improved....
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Oriental Bonbons
Oriental Bonbons
Soak a half pound of gum arabic in two cupfuls of water until soft. Stir into it two cupfuls of confectioner's sugar and cook over the fire in a double boiler until an opaque thick mass. When it forms a firm ball remove from fire and stir in the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, one-half cupful of orange jelly and one-half cupful of grated cocoanut. Make depressions in a pan of corn-starch and pour a little of the mixture into each depression. When cool remove and dust with powdered sugar....
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Candy Potatoes
Candy Potatoes
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage. Work into this one-half cupful of nut meats that have been pounded to a paste and one-half cupful of grated cocoanut. Pour on a platter or marble slab and work with a spoon until it is cool enough to work with the hands, and then knead until it is like dough. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon on a sheet of waxed paper. Take pieces of this dough and form into pot
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Divinity Hash
Divinity Hash
Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of maple sugar, one-half cupful of golden corn syrup, and a cupful of water, add a pinch of cream of tartar. Boil to the soft ball stage. Add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and pour over the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Have ready one pound of chopped fruit, nuts and grated cocoanut and stir in just before it is ready to pour into buttered pans. After pouring the syrup over the whites of eggs beat up until light and foamy. Any kind of frui
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Bonbon Cakes
Bonbon Cakes
The cakes that are best for making bonbons are the sponge cake, pound cake and angel food cake: these should be at least twenty-four hours old, and then can be cut up into any shape desired without breaking or crumbling. Scoop out little balls, using a vegetable scoop, from any of these cakes and dip in melted fondant flavored with different flavors and colored in different colors. If you are planning a luncheon or entertainment it is nice to have these little cake bonbons to help carry out the
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Spice Nuts
Spice Nuts
Take two eggs, one cupful of granulated sugar, one-fourth cupful of almond meats, one-fourth cupful of citron, one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon, allspice and cloves, one cupful of flour, and one teaspoonful of baking-powder. Cut the nuts and citron up very fine. Sift the flour and baking-powder together and mix with the nuts, fruit and spices. Beat up the eggs and sugar until light and thick, then gradually add the flour mixture. The dough should be stiff enough so that it can be formed int
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Chocolate Nuts
Chocolate Nuts
Take one cupful of flour and add to it one tablespoonful of baking-powder. Sift into a bowl and add one cupful of sugar. Mix well together. Melt one-half cupful of grated chocolate in a tablespoonful of hot water, add two teaspoonfuls of vanilla and half a teaspoonful of soda. Beat up two eggs, add the chocolate and one-fourth cupful of melted butter. Work into the flour and sugar mixture. The dough must be stiff enough to form into balls the size of a hickory-nut. Drop on greased tins an inch a
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Walnut Wafers
Walnut Wafers
Cream one cupful of butter with one and one-half cupfuls of sugar; add three beaten eggs; put two cupfuls of chopped walnut meats into one cupful of flour, and add this to the batter. Sift one teaspoonful of baking-powder and one and one-half cupfuls of flour together, and add at the last. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered tins, dust with granulated sugar, and put a whole walnut meat on each one. Bake them in a moderate oven....
21 minute read
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Peanut Jumbles
Peanut Jumbles
Take two tablespoonfuls of butter, one cupful of sugar, one egg, half a teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one tablespoonful of milk, and flour enough to make a soft dough. Roll thin and cut with a jumble cutter, brush over with beaten egg and cover lightly with chopped peanuts. Bake separately the small rounds cut from the center....
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Cocoanut Jumbles
Cocoanut Jumbles
Beat half a cupful of butter and half a cupful of sugar to a cream, flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla, then add two eggs, a cupful of freshly grated cocoanut, and two cupfuls of flour sifted with a level teaspoonful of baking-powder. Pat and roll out thin on a well-floured board, adding more flour if needed. Flour a jumble cutter well and cut into rings. Brush the tops of the cakes with milk and sprinkle with a mixture of granulated sugar and cocoanut. Place far enough apart on buttered pan s
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Fruit Rocks
Fruit Rocks
Cream one cup of sugar with two-thirds cup of butter, add one and a half cupfuls of flour, two eggs, one cupful of English walnut meats, one cupful of chopped raisins, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar and one-half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little water. Drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered tins an inch or more apart. Press one-half of an English walnut meat or a raisin in the center of each, and bake until a nice brown....
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Raisin Spirals
Raisin Spirals
Take one cup of sugar, one-half cupful of butter and yolks of two eggs, and beat to a cream. Add one cupful of sour milk and one cupful of chopped raisins; one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon and nutmeg. Dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in a little of the milk. Just before putting in the flour add the beaten whites of two eggs. Make a very stiff dough and cut into thin strips about five inches long. Roll around the finger and fry in butter a delicate brown....
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Fruit Bars
Fruit Bars
Mix together one cupful of butter and one cupful of brown sugar until creamy, add two well-beaten eggs, one-half cupful of sour milk and scant teaspoonful of soda if the milk is thoroughly sour, if not use only half a teaspoonful. Beat up together, then add enough flour to make a dough that will roll nicely but be careful not to get it too stiff. Flour the board well, then roll out thin and cut with a narrow oblong cutter. Put through a food chopper one pound of stoned dates and one-half pound o
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Maple Drops
Maple Drops
To a half cupful of maple syrup add one teaspoonful of melted butter, one well-beaten egg and one cup of flour sifted with a teaspoonful of baking-powder. Add a pinch of salt. Beat and drop by spoonfuls or half-spoonfuls on buttered tin, and bake in a quick oven. Cover with maple fondant....
14 minute read
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Ginger Chips
Ginger Chips
Stir together a cupful of butter and one cupful of brown sugar. Add one tablespoonful of ginger and one teaspoonful each of cloves and cinnamon. Mix in two cupfuls of good baking molasses and the grated peel of a large lemon. Add a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water. Mix in enough flour to make a stiff paste. Roll out very thin, a small portion at a time, and cut into narrow strips about one inch wide and four inches long. Bake in a moderate oven for ten minutes....
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Ginger Wafers
Ginger Wafers
Stir one-fourth cupful of butter and one-half cupful of sugar to a cream, add two eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately. Add a half cupful of flour or just enough to make a thin batter, mix well, then add one tablespoonful of ginger, and the grated peel of a lemon. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered tins, far enough apart not to run together. Bake in a moderate oven, and when half done roll up into little cylinders, and return to the oven and crisp until brown....
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Marshmallow Cakes
Marshmallow Cakes
Blanch and dry gently in the open oven sufficient hickory-nut meats to fill three-fourths of a cup. Cool and chop very finely. Beat three eggs, yolks and whites together, until light. Add the nuts, two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, a half teaspoonful of orange extract and sufficient flour to form a soft dough. Roll out on board until about an inch in thickness and cut in small diamonds that measure only two or three inches from point to point. Lay on shallow greased tins and bake to a pale b
28 minute read
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Ginger Nuts
Ginger Nuts
Take one pint of baking molasses and add one-half cupful of melted butter, one cupful of brown sugar and one tablespoonful of powdered ginger. Stir these ingredients well together, and while mixing add two tablespoonfuls of candied lemon or orange peel, one tablespoonful of candied angelica cut into small dice, and a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little warm water. Having mixed all thoroughly together break in one egg and work in as much flour to form a paste just stiff enough to handle. Fo
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German Ginger Balls
German Ginger Balls
Beat up four eggs until very light and foamy; then add gradually a half pound of light brown sugar, a teaspoonful of ginger, and one-half teaspoonful of allspice or cinnamon, the juice of one lemon and three-fourths cupful of pastry flour. Form with floured hands into small balls, placing in the center of each a tiny piece of preserved ginger, or candied ginger. Place in a greased baking-pan far enough apart not to touch when baked. Bake in a quick oven....
22 minute read
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Cinnamon Crisps
Cinnamon Crisps
Beat one-third cup of butter and two-thirds cup of sugar until light and creamy, then add one teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, one and one-half cups of flour and one teaspoonful of baking-powder together. Mix to a dough with one-third cup of milk, using only enough to make the dough so that it will roll out easily. Roll very thin, and cut into small squares or rounds. Bake on greased tins in a moderate oven....
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Chocolate Sticks
Chocolate Sticks
Cream together one cupful of sugar, one tablespoonful of butter, the yolk of one egg and one-half cup of milk. Melt one and one-half squares of chocolate, add to the mixture, then add one cupful of flour, add one-half cupful more of milk, and one-fourth cupful of flour into which has been sifted one teaspoonful baking-powder and one-fourth teaspoonful of soda. Bake in a sheet that will be about three-fourths of an inch thick when baked. Cut into strips about one inch wide and three or four inche
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Orange Cakes
Orange Cakes
Cream together one-half cupful of butter, one cup of sugar, add the yolks of five eggs beaten thick, one-half cupful of milk, one and three-fourths cupfuls of flour sifted with two level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Add one teaspoonful of orange extract. Roll out and cut in star or other fancy shape. Cover with yellow orange flavored fondant, and sprinkle over the top with candied orange peel cut into bits....
19 minute read
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Cocoanut Drops
Cocoanut Drops
Sift together one and one-half cupfuls of flour and a rounding teaspoonful of baking-powder. Beat up one egg until light, then beat into it one-half cupful of sugar, add a half cupful of grated cocoanut and a teaspoonful of grated lemon rind, then alternately the flour and half a cupful of rich cream. Drop in little pats on greased pans which have been dusted with flour. Have the cakes far enough apart so that the batter will not run together. Sprinkle a little grated cocoanut over the top of ea
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Almond Cakes
Almond Cakes
Mix together one-fourth cupful of butter and a cupful of sugar to a cream, add the beaten yolks of four eggs, one-fourth cupful of cream and two cupfuls of flour in which has been placed one teaspoonful of baking-powder. Roll out on a well-floured board about one-fourth of an inch thick, cover with powdered sugar and cut into diamonds. Spread with maple fondant, and sprinkle the cakes thickly with blanched and chopped almonds....
20 minute read
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Peanut Wafers
Peanut Wafers
Beat together one-half cupful of nice white lard mixed with butter (half and half of each) and one cupful of sugar, add one cupful of ground peanuts, and one and one-half cupfuls of flour mixed together with one teaspoonful of baking-powder, and one-third teaspoonful of salt. Add one-half cupful of milk or water, or just enough to make a dough that will roll thinly. It is best to mix the flour and milk in alternately. Cut into small rounds and place a half peanut meat on top of each cake....
24 minute read
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German Wafers
German Wafers
Warm one-third cupful of butter, and stir in five eggs, one at a time. Mix in one quart of sifted flour, and one teaspoonful each of vanilla and banana extract. Spread over a buttered dripping pan and bake in a hot oven until a delicate brown. Cut into squares, pick with a fork and dip into powdered sugar....
16 minute read
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Japanese Wafers
Japanese Wafers
Beat up the whites of two eggs until stiff, then add two tablespoonfuls of rice flour and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Work in one tablespoonful of softened butter. Pour into a pan lined with paraffine or oiled paper, making it as thin as possible. Bake in a moderate oven and roll around a round stick, after cutting them in four inch squares....
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English Wafers
English Wafers
Stir together one cupful of butter with one-half cupful of sugar, add four eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately, one-half cupful of currants, and one-fourth teaspoonful of cinnamon. Add two tablespoonfuls of strong rose water and three-fourths cup of flour, roll very thin and bake on buttered tins for about five minutes or until a delicate brown; cut into small squares, and dust with powdered sugar....
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Delicious Tea Cookies
Delicious Tea Cookies
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, add four eggs, one cupful of chopped nut meats, one cupful of chopped raisins, a teaspoonful of soda stirred in one cupful of good New Orleans molasses, and one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon and allspice. Add enough flour to make a dough that will roll out thin. Mix all the ingredients well together. Bake in a hot oven and ice or not as liked....
21 minute read
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Raisin Cookies
Raisin Cookies
Cream together one cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, add two eggs well beaten; then add one teaspoonful of soda and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar dissolved in a little lukewarm water. Now stir in three cupfuls of flour, one cupful of chopped raisins, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, and one-fourth teaspoonful of nutmeg. Drop the batter in spoonfuls on a well-buttered pan, being careful to leave room for the cakes to spread. Bake in a moderate oven until a nice brown color....
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Love Diamonds
Love Diamonds
Cream together one cupful of sugar and one-fourth cupful of butter, then add one-half cupful of sweet milk. Sift with one cupful of flour one teaspoonful of baking-powder and add half of it. Stir in two whites of eggs beaten stiff, and then the remainder of the flour and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into a square pan and bake. When cool cut into diamonds. Mix into a cupful of melted chocolate fondant a half cupful of cocoanut, and spread the diamonds with this, or spread with a pink fondant fl
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Marmalade Diamonds
Marmalade Diamonds
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cupful of granulated sugar; then add the beaten yolks of three eggs, one-half cupful of sweet milk; then work in two cupfuls of flour into which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, add the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs and one teaspoonful of lemon extract. Pour into square pan and bake. When cool cut into diamonds. On half of the cakes spread lemon, orange or any good marmalade, and place the other halves on these in sandwich
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Lemon Cakes
Lemon Cakes
Cream together one cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, add two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, and the grated rind and juice of one lemon. Add enough flour to knead into a stiff dough, roll thin, cut into stars, rounds or squares. Bake in a quick oven. Ice with lemon flavored fondant or icing....
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Maple Nut Wafers
Maple Nut Wafers
Cream together one cupful of maple sugar and one-half cupful of butter, add two eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately. Sift and add two thirds cupful of flour and one-half cupful of chopped nut meats. Sift in the flour one teaspoonful of baking-powder. The batter should be of the right consistency to spread thinly over a buttered pan; if too stiff add a little milk. Sprinkle over the top with coarse chopped nuts. Bake rather slowly and cut into squares before removing from the oven....
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Vanilla Wafers
Vanilla Wafers
Cream together one-third cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, add one egg, and one-fourth cup of sweet milk. Sift together one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of baking-powder, with two and one-fourth cupfuls of flour. Beat up, add a tablespoonful of vanilla. Pour into pan, spreading thinly over it. Bake in a moderate oven....
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Chocolate Diamonds
Chocolate Diamonds
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar. Sift into three cupfuls of pastry flour two tablespoonfuls of baking-powder, then add alternately with one cupful of sweet milk, and two eggs. Flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in square layer cake tins, and when cold cut into diamonds. On the half of these cakes spread a chocolate paste made as follows: Beat some fresh butter with a wooden spoon until it is soft and creamy. Add by degrees sufficient milk chocolate, whi
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Coriander Cakes
Coriander Cakes
Cream together one cupful of sugar and four eggs until thick and white, then add one and a half cupfuls of flour into which has been sifted one teaspoonful of baking-powder; then add two tablespoonfuls of coriander seed and one teaspoonful of lemon extract. This should be a rather thick sponge. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered pans or greased paper. Bake in a hot oven to a golden brown....
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Peach Blossom Cakes
Peach Blossom Cakes
Cream together one cupful of sugar and one-half cupful of butter, then add one-half cupful of sweet milk. Sift into one cupful and a half of flour two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder and stir in half of this, then add the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs and then the remainder of the flour and one-half teaspoonful of corn-starch. Pour into two square pans and bake in a rather quick oven. When cool cut in small squares and ice with pink fondant flavored with peach or rose extract or ice with whi
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Wild Rose Cakes
Wild Rose Cakes
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, then add one-half cupful of sweet milk. Sift with one teaspoonful of baking-powder into one cupful of flour, add part of the flour, then the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs, then add the remainder of the flour and a teaspoonful of rose or strawberry extract. Beat up thoroughly and bake in sheets in two square pans. Cut into squares when cool and ice with white fondant, and then with a pastry tube and pink fondant place a wild
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Cream Nut Puffs
Cream Nut Puffs
Take one-half cupful of butter, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, eight eggs and two cupfuls of hot water. Melt the butter in the water, set over the fire and bring to a gentle boil. Then put in the flour and boil until it leaves the sides of the saucepan, never ceasing to stir. One minute is enough. Turn into a bowl to cool. Beat the eggs in one at a time, beating one minute after each egg is put in, and then when all are in beat for two or three minutes. Set on ice for an hour, then drop in s
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Spice Fingers
Spice Fingers
Beat five eggs and two cupfuls of light brown sugar until light, then stir in one teaspoonful of cinnamon and one-half teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice and nutmeg, also one-fourth cupful of almonds pounded into a paste and two ounces of citron cut fine; then add one-half cupful of molasses, and lastly the flour into which three level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder have been sifted. Use enough flour to make it stiff enough to roll thin. Cut into long strips about the length of a finger, and ab
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Caraway Cookies
Caraway Cookies
Cream together one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of butter till light, then add one-fourth cup of water, and two eggs well beaten. Sift with three cupfuls of flour two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, and add gradually, and then stir in a tablespoonful of caraway seeds. Mix the ingredients well together, roll thin and cut out in fancy shapes or in rounds. Bake in the oven until a delicate brown....
18 minute read
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Daisy Cakes
Daisy Cakes
Cream together one-fourth cup of butter and two-thirds cupful of sugar, add one egg, one-half cupful of cold water or sweet milk, and the grated rind of one orange. Sift a teaspoonful of baking-powder with one cupful of flour and stir in. Beat steadily for five or eight minutes, then turn into small greased gem pans. Bake in a moderate oven. Turn out of the pans and when cold cover with orange fondant. With halved almonds form a daisy in the center of each cake, using a center of candied orange
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Vanilla Sugar Cakes
Vanilla Sugar Cakes
Cream together one cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, add two well-beaten eggs, and three teaspoonfuls of vanilla extract. Sift with three cupfuls of flour three teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Roll out thin, sprinkle with sugar and press in with the rolling pin. Cut into rounds or squares and bake them a delicate brown on greased tins....
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Chocolate Ginger Drops
Chocolate Ginger Drops
Place in a bowl one cupful of molasses, half a cupful of sour cream, one tablespoonful (level) of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon and mix well together, then stir in one-fourth cupful of melted butter. Dissolve a teaspoonful of soda in a little water and add to the other ingredients. Add enough sifted flour to make a drop batter. Drop from spoon on greased pan, far enough not to touch each other when baked. Dip each little drop cake into melted chocolate fondant. The dough should be stiff en
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Cocoanut Fruit Drops
Cocoanut Fruit Drops
Cream together one cup of sugar and one-half cup of butter, then add one egg and one cup of milk. Mix one cupful of raisins in one-half cupful of flour and add to the other ingredients with one and one-half cupfuls of flour into which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, then add one-half cupful of grated cocoanut and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Drop by spoonfuls on greased pans and bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes. Can be iced with white fondant and sprinkled over with grat
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Preserved Fruit Dainties
Preserved Fruit Dainties
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar, then add three well-beaten eggs and one-half cupful of sweet milk. Mix smooth and then add gradually one and a half cupfuls of flour into which has been sifted one teaspoonful of baking-powder. The dough should be as soft as it can be handled easily. Flour the board well and cut out into rounds or squares, and place preserved fruit over the top. Any thick preserved fruit may be used. Bake in a quick oven a nice brown....
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Jelly Jumbles
Jelly Jumbles
Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one cup of sugar, add one well-beaten egg, then one and one-half cupfuls of flour into which have been sifted one teaspoonful of baking-powder and one-fourth teaspoonful of salt. Stir well, then add one-third cup of sweet milk or just enough to form a dough that will roll out. Flour the board and roll very thin. Cut out with a jumble cutter or a doughnut cutter. Spread half of these with some good jelly, and place the unspread cakes on top of these in
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Chocolate Nut Wafers
Chocolate Nut Wafers
Cream together one-half cupful of butter with one cupful of sugar, add two well-beaten eggs, and two squares of grated chocolate melted in one-fourth cupful of hot water. Sift with two-thirds cup of flour one teaspoonful of baking-powder, and a pinch of soda. Pour very thinly over well-greased pans, and sprinkle generously over with chopped nut meats. Bake in a moderate oven, and cut into small squares or diamonds....
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Lady Fingers
Lady Fingers
Beat five eggs up until light, add one-half cupful of powdered sugar and beat up for several minutes; sift in with one cupful of flour one teaspoonful of baking-powder and stir slowly. Place the batter in a pastry bag and run it out through the tube on light brown paper (not buttered), making each cake about a finger in length, and about one-fourth inch wide; be careful not to get them too wide. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, bake in a quick oven. Place the paper on a damp table and let stand a
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Fruit Puffs
Fruit Puffs
Take five eggs and beat the whites and yolks separately, stir in gradually one and a half cupfuls of sugar, and one and a half cupfuls of flour into which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Bake in deep gem pans, filling about half full. Make a fruit filling as follows: Place in a saucepan one-half cupful of finely chopped figs, one-half cupful of dates, one-half cupful of chopped raisins and one-half cupful of water. Let simmer slowly for an hour, then add a teaspoonful of vanil
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Nut Tarts
Nut Tarts
Prepare a short pastry crust, adding to the flour one tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Roll out very thin. Dip fancy cutters in flour and cut the pastry, then pierce the half of the cakes with a small circular cutter. Some of the cakes can be made with one hole, some two and some three. Place these on greased pans and bake in the oven a pale brown. After removing make a paste with the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped nut meats, two tablespoonfuls of maple s
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