Memoir Of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Commandeur Of Jaffnapatam (Afterwards Governor-General Of Nederlands India) 1697
Hendrick Zwaardecroon
6 chapters
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6 chapters
This Memoir of Commandeur Zwaardecroon was, as stated, compiled and left by him in 1697 for the instruction and guidance of the Political Council of Jaffnapatam during his absence from the “Commandement” on special duty as Commissioner to the Coast of Malabar. He did not, however, return to his post, having been appointed Director of Surat on the termination of his Commission. Of the many compilations of the same kind prepared by successive Commandeurs on the standing orders of the Supreme Gover
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A .—The above Instructions were ready for Your Honours when, on January 31 last, the yacht “Bekenstyn” brought a letter from Colombo dated January 18, in which we were informed of the arrival of our new Governor, His Excellency Gerrit de Heere. By the same vessel an extract was sent from a letter of the Supreme Government of India of October 19 last, in which my transfer to Mallabaar has been ordered. But, much as I had wished to serve the Company on that coast, I could not at once obey the orde
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H .—The account between the Moorish elephant purchasers and the Company through the Brahmin Timmerza as its agent, about which so much has been written, was settled on August 31 last, and so also was the account of the said Timmerza himself and the Company. A difficulty arises now as to how the business with these people is to be transacted; because three of the principal merchants from Galconda arrived here the other day with three cheques to the amount of 7,145 Pagodas in the name of the said
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Short notes
Short notes
That the Master of the Hunt, Don Gasper Nitchenchen Aderayen, should, as if he were a sovereign, have put to death a Lascoreen and a hunter under the old Don Gaspar on his own responsibility, is a matter which will result in very bad consequences; but I have heard rumours to the effect that it was not his work, but his father’s (Don Philip Nellamapane). With regard to these people Your Honours must observe the Instructions of Mr. Zwaardecroon, and their further actions must be watched; because o
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Notes to Appendix.
Notes to Appendix.
H .—It is in compliance with instructions, and with my approbation, that the accounts with the purchasers of elephants in Golconda and with the Brahmin Timmerza have been settled. For various reasons which it is not necessary to state here he is never to be employed as the Company’s broker again, the more so as the old custom of selling the elephants by public auction has been reintroduced this year, as has been mentioned in detail under the heading of Trade . Your Honours must comply with our o
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The following corrections have been applied to the text:...
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